The Minnesota Cannabis Growers Cooperative and Industry Council (MCGCIC) is dedicated to advancing the collective interests and success of our members by combining the power of cooperative solidarity with the collaborative oversight of an industry council. We empower our community through collective resource sharing, unified advocacy, and the promotion of sustainable and ethical practices.

What Sets MCGCIC Apart: We operate uniquely as both a member-owned cooperative and an industry council.

As a cooperative, we work to create a supportive ecosystem that empowers our members through knowledge sharing, education, and resource optimization. We unite our members’ strengths to:

  • Educate: We offer workshops, seminars, and informational resources about best practices, market dynamics, and emerging issues and trends.

  • Develop Markets: We facilitate new market opportunities and assist in negotiating advantageous contract terms.

  • Share Resources: We leverage collective buying power to secure necessary inputs and services at reduced costs, enhancing member profitability.

  • Cultivate Sustainable Practices: We nurture economic, environmental, and social sustainability in our members’ business operations and across the industry as a whole.

  • Drive Innovation: We encourage and incubate innovative practices and to keep our members at the forefront of the market.

As an industry council, we prioritize engaging in meaningful dialogue, fostering collaboration, and building consensus to guide policy decisions, establish industry standards, and uphold ethical practices. We leverage our members’ expertise to:

  • Shape Policies: We actively engage in shaping policies and regulations that reflect the needs and aspirations of the cannabis industry, support fair and sustainable industry growth, and protect public and environmental interests.

  • Set Standards: We spearhead the development and enforcement of industry standards and ethical business practices that promote quality, safety, and equity across the industry.

  • Educate & Represent: We serve as the authentic voice of Minnesota's cannabis industry, educating stakeholders, policymakers, and the community on the industry’s contributions, challenges, and potential, thereby shaping a well-informed public and policy discourse.

In all we do, MCGCIC upholds principles of collective resilience, responsibility, and well-being. We are not just cultivating cannabis; we are cultivating opportunities, communities, and an equitable, sustainable, and thriving industry.

Join us as we shape the future of the cannabis industry in Minnesota.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • A cooperative is a group where members share ownership and make decisions together. In our cooperative, members — the people who grow and work with cannabis — own the organization and have an equal voice in how it's run, regardless of how much they invest.

    Our goal is to support our members by sharing resources, knowledge, and opportunities, making sure everyone benefits from the collective's success. We work together to create a sustainable, profitable future for all members and the broader Minnesota cannabis community.

  • An industry council is a group focused on addressing the broader challenges and opportunities within a specific industry, from regulatory changes to market trends.

    Our industry council works to set standards, advocate for policies that support a healthy cannabis market, and ensure that our members' voices are heard in important discussions. We collaborate with lawmakers, regulatory bodies, and other entities to represent the interests of Minnesota's cannabis stakeholders.

    Being part of this council gives our members a platform to influence the future of the cannabis industry in Minnesota, ensuring that it grows in a way that is sustainable, ethical, and beneficial for all involved.

  • While both industry councils and industry associations work to advance the interests of their members, there are key differences in their focus and operations, particularly regarding decision-making, transparency, collaboration, and their orientation toward public interest.

    Industry councils, like that of the MCGCIC, involve all members in a collaborative decision-making process. This ensures transparency and outcomes that reflect broad consensus, focusing on addressing specific industry challenges, setting standards, and advocating for policies that benefit both the industry and the public. The council's efforts are directed towards responsible, ethical industry growth aligned with shared values, emphasizing policy advocacy and ethical practices. This approach fosters trust and accountability, enabling direct and collaborative engagement with governmental entities and other stakeholders.

    Industry associations, by contrast, typically focus on delivering value to their members through networking, marketing, and lobbying activities. Decision-making within these associations is often more centralized and less inclusive, usually influenced by a subset of members, such as larger businesses or those making significant financial contributions. This structure is designed to promote collective business interests and industry development, potentially prioritizing the needs of a specific group over broader industry or public interest concerns.

Our Leadership


Shawn Weber, Crested River Cannabis Co. - Board President

Jeremy Saueressig, Kuribl / Sporobio - Board Vice President

Veronika Alfaro, Mi Sota Essence - Board Secretary

Stefanie Mulrooney, Global Organic Distro - Board Treasurer

Jamie Croyle, House of Oilworx

Chadwick Lange, TonnaAgra

Kyle Marinkovich, Northern Diversified Solutions

Betsy Morem, Morem & Waller

Nikki Rohloff, Canopy Accounting

Bob Walloch, CannaJoy

Jim Erickson, Solomon Strategies Group - Chair Emeritus


Management & Communications: Leili Fatehi & Laura Monn Ginsburg, Blunt Strategies

Legal Counsel: Carol Moss, Hellmuth & Johnson